PILZ Wallace Keith
15.09.2016Much loved husband of Patricia (dec), father of Richard, Helen, Chris, Katharine, Elizabeth and their families. Cherished grandfather and great grandfather.
15.09.2016Much loved husband of Patricia (dec), father of Richard, Helen, Chris, Katharine, Elizabeth and their families. Cherished grandfather and great grandfather.
Aged 89 years
Family and friends are invited to attend Wallace’s Funeral Service to be
held in the Magnolia Chapel, Macquarie Park Crematorium, cnr of Plassey and Delhi Rds, Macquarie Park on TUESDAY (September 27th, 2016) at 1 pm.
Cremorne 9953 3379
Proudly Australian
Member AFDA

Published in The Sydney Morning Herald from Sept. 17 to Sept. 21, 2016 – See more at: http://tributes.smh.com.au/obituaries/smh-au/obituary.aspx?n=wallace-pilz&pid=181435441&fhid=32523#sthash.zBYiOTT8.dpuf