Be part of the 1853 Turon Rebellion re-enactment and tremble through a weekend complete with cannons, floggings, shootings and duels, market stalls, exhibitions and more. At any time bushrangers may stick you up for your gold (coin).
For those interested in Bathurst’s gold history and that of the Turon River and Sofala then make sure you join with the residents of the Turon Gold Fields, N.S.W. Corp of Marines, and Lithgow Living History in a day of historical re-enactments and displays. It starts at 10am with the firing of the 1820s cannon. The Redcoats will be there with pistol and sword duels. Ride a Cobb & Co coach, see the penny farthings and then visit the 1850s surgeon’s tent. Kids, be sure you visit the archaeological dig. The re-enactment of the “Rebellion on the Turon” with the Turon Diggers uprising against the gold licensing fee and the march on the Police Barracks will be sprung after a fresh corn lunch at 1pm.
You can have a chat with one of several Marines marching around on the day. Don’t miss the firing of the loud cannonade with plenty of smoke, if you can take it at the right second on your camera.
17 March 2019
10:00am – 3:00pm
Denison Street, Sofala NSW 2795
Phone: 6337 7587