Rylstone district rallies behind historical society, news article – Mudgee Guardian (14 September 2014)

STANDING ROOM ONLY: More than 60 people attended the special meeting to decide Rylstone District Historical Society’s future at a special meeting on Saturday.
The Rylstone District Historical Society has a new lease of life following a special meeting at the society’s iconic Bridge View Inn on Saturday afternoon. In a show of great support the community rallied behind the group with over 60 people present at the meeting and many new members signed up.
Within a couple of minutes of the welcome, President Helen Marsonet explained that the previous motion that The Rylstone and District Historical Society Inc. be voluntarily wound up and its assets be divested in accordance with Clause 43 of its constitution was in fact unconstitutional and that the society had now filled all executive and committee positions.
She advised that Eric Williams was vice-president, Deborah Bush, secretary and Lori Grabham, treasurer. The ordinary committee members are Virginia Hollister, Jeanette McCarthy and Shirley Tunnicliff who also doubles up as minute’s secretary.
Mrs Marsonet then asked past-president of the society, Bob Chrismas to chair the meeting. Mr Chrismas explained that there was no notice of motion and that the meeting was therefore being held to consider the future of the society.
Bob O’Neill, a former president who played a key role in the society’s reformation a decade earlier, moved that the society continue and that it be not wound up. The motion was carried unanimously.
In his address to the meeting, Peter Monaghan – also a past president and the proposer of the motion on notice, said he was extremely pleased to hear that RDHS now has a full crew on committee.
“I’m sure that Helen and her three not-so-ordinary committee members are equally relieved and pleased with the outcome. To all those who in the last month offered to serve on the committee and to the three who were appointed thank you and congratulations.
“Finally, thank you to those 15 members who attended the AGM and participated in the democratic process of taking decisive action when it was needed. Without that action being taken at the AGM I do not believe that the outcome announced today would have been achieved.”
Mr Monaghan added that he was set to propose that the motion on notice be withdrawn following the filling of all positions but that was no longer necessary.
After the meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, Mrs Marsonet said she was very relieved at the outcome.
“It’s been a very harrowing month. We’ve all worked so hard at getting grants, building up our resources and establishing a very successful asset for the community. I’m so grateful that the community rallied behind us,” she said.