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Black Summer Bushfire Project

Posted by on 3 December 2024

Submissions now open!

Did you experience the Black Summer Bushfires firsthand?

Would you like to share your story?

RDHS is undertaking a comprehensive study of the 2019 Black Summer Bushfires with the aim to document and preserve this history for future generations.

The Society is calling upon local residents, photographers, writers, firefighters and volunteers to share their stories and images for inclusion in an exhibition and booklet to be published in 2025.

This project will consist of an exhibition that presents photographs taken at the time of the event, contemporary photographs that capture the recovery of the landscape, and a booklet that includes personal stories of people that bore witness to the event. This combination of powerful visuals and first-person narratives aims to present the event in an historical context and communicate the strength and resilience of our local community that witnessed this catastrophic event firsthand and who have been instrumental in the community’s recovery.

People of all ages are welcome to submit photographs and stories for selection. In addition to contributing their experience to the historical record, successful applicants will receive a copy of the booklet and an invitation to the exhibition opening and book launch.

There is no fee to submit photographs and/or stories for selection.

Selected photographs will be printed and framed by RDHS with funding provided by the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund. Selected photographs will be accessioned to the Society’s Collection as per the Collection Policy and will be on permanent display at the Cottage Museum, Bridge View Inn and other local organisations. Applicants will retain copyright of their images and will be credited in all instances where the image is displayed.

This project presents a unique opportunity for residents to contribute their personal story for the benefit of future generations to come.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday 12 January 2025.

To submit your photographs and/or stories please download and complete an Application Form and email submission to:

NSW RFS – Rylstone Brigade

Cudgegong District | NSW Rural Fire Service

This Koala Calls Rylstone Home – Watershed Landcare Incorporated


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