OPEN HOUSE | Trash & Treasure Market

Less than 2 weeks to go to our Open House and Trash and Treasure Fair! There are still a few sites left – if you would like to hold a stall please email

All welcome – come down and enjoy the historic surrounds of the Bridge View Inn. There will be entertainment courtesy musician Michael Seage, morning tea, sausage sizzle, family history displays and Museum open to the public.

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Black Summer Bushfire Project

Submissions now open!

Did you experience the Black Summer Bushfires firsthand?

Would you like to share your story?

RDHS is undertaking a comprehensive study of the 2019 Black Summer Bushfires with the aim to document and preserve this history for future generations.

The Society is calling upon local residents, photographers, writers, firefighters and volunteers to share their stories and images for inclusion in an exhibition and booklet to be published in 2025.

This project will consist of an exhibition that presents photographs taken at the time of the event, contemporary photographs that capture the recovery of the landscape, and a booklet that includes personal stories of people that bore witness to the event. This combination of powerful visuals and first-person narratives aims to present the event in an historical context and communicate the strength and resilience of our local community that witnessed this catastrophic event firsthand and who have been instrumental in the community’s recovery.

People of all ages are welcome to submit photographs and stories for selection. In addition to contributing their experience to the historical record, successful applicants will receive a copy of the booklet and an invitation to the exhibition opening and book launch.

There is no fee to submit photographs and/or stories for selection.

Selected photographs will be printed and framed by RDHS with funding provided by the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund. Selected photographs will be accessioned to the Society’s Collection as per the Collection Policy and will be on permanent display at the Cottage Museum, Bridge View Inn and other local organisations. Applicants will retain copyright of their images and will be credited in all instances where the image is displayed.

This project presents a unique opportunity for residents to contribute their personal story for the benefit of future generations to come.

Deadline for submissions is Sunday 12 January 2025.

To submit your photographs and/or stories please download and complete an Application Form and email submission to:

NSW RFS – Rylstone Brigade

Cudgegong District | NSW Rural Fire Service

This Koala Calls Rylstone Home – Watershed Landcare Incorporated

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The new publication is a 108 page history of the Bridge View Inn that includes chapters about:

  • the historical context of early Rylstone in the 1850s, 60s and 70s.
  • the hotel’s physical characteristics as a country hotel built with a high level of craftsmanship; the building’s significance and recognition as an item of State heritage
  • the Hall families, responsible for the Bridge View Inn and the two colonial cottages on the corner of Louee and Dabee Streets
  • the seven publicans who held the licence at the hotel between 1871, when it opened, to 1895 when it was repurposed to become a bank
  • the bank era when the bar and associated room became the banking chamber and the rest of the building was used as a staff residence
  • the short period in private hands during the late 1950s and 60s, and then the period of use by Rylstone and District Historical Society and the various tenants who have leased space in the building
  • conservation efforts to maintain and develop the building since the 1960s
  • the rare 19th century mural in the dining room, its conservation and the artist thought to be responsible
  • the building in the 1940s and 50s when Helen Norris was a child living there, including Rylstone social history
  • the building in the late 1990s and early 2000s when Per and Helen Kristensen worked to conserve deteriorating fabric and operated a restaurant
  • sources for the interested reader to follow up on the material in the book

The book is well illustrated with photographs and plans.

The book price is $30.00 plus $10 shipping and handling.  It is also available from Rylstone and District Historical Society’s Cottage Museum (open Sundays from 10 to 3 pm).

Pay online HERE and enter code ‘PICKUP’ for free local pickup.

Heritage Interpretation Project proudly funded by the NSW Government

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Bridge View Inn 150th Celebrations

On 6 December 2022, Rylstone and District Historical Society (RDHS) celebrated 150 years of the Bridge View Inn with a community birthday party.


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Trash and Treasure Fair

Saturday, 4th June 2022

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POSTPONED: Trash and Treasure Fair












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‘Five Good Squadrons’ by Robin Droogleever

A Regimental history of the 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles in the Boer War (1899-1902)

Five Good Squadrons by Robin Droogleever

The five squadrons that constituted the 1st Regiment of the New South Wales Mounted Rifles which joined the British campaign in South Africa in 1900 were initially a mix of trained militiamen, supplemented two months later by volunteers who were prepared to ‘give it a go’. Accepted on the basis of whether they were healthy and could ride and shoot, they were made up of professional soldiers, farmers, landowners, labourers, students, teachers, policemen, gentlemen of leisure, railway and tram workers, unemployed men, and those who had crossed the law. Over 600 served. More than 50 never came home. The regiment played a significant role in the course of the campaign and were described by one British Commander as ‘The finest mounted infantry material in the world’. Their reputation in the Boer War had an impact on the development of the Light Horse Brigades that went on to serve Australia so well in the First World War. 

The book covers not only the campaign history of the regiment but there are 185 pages of biographies of all the men who served. There are also 150 pages of photos, most of which have been generously donated by descendants, and which provide a wonderful panorama of social life at the turn of the 20th century.

Included in the book are details about three Rylstone lads: John Larkin (born in Rylstone in 1877); John Hector McLean (born in Rylstone in 1877), and Prince Richard Taylor (born in Rylstone in 1876). There is a fourth, Walter Pope, who died in Rylstone in 1946 but there currently little known of the extent of his involvement in Rylstone.

Now the cost: $60 plus postage of $12.50 in the Australia Post medium sized red bag which is waterproof and can be tracked. Total: $72.50. Not only do Australia Post seem to give priority to their red bags it is definitely the most secure way of despatch. 

Payment can be through Direct credit to my bank account which I will provide upon requests for the book. An alternative form of payment is in the form of a cheque made out to Robin Droogleever and sent to P.O.Box 42, Bulleen, 3105, Victoria. 

Contact: Robin Droogleever on email at or phone on mobile 0455-346-777 (or feel free to use the P.O.Box number).

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Richard Fitzgerald and ‘Dabee’: a Bathurst connection

Richard Curran has explored the connections that Richard Fitzgerald, of Dabee near Rylstone, had with Bathurst and its early convict history. For further information on his research, visit his work at the following locations:

Richard Fitzgerald’s Bathurst Convict Establishment in 1828 (Part 1)

Richard Fitzgerald’s Bathurst Convict Establishment in 1828 (Part 2)

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Rylstone Bicentenary Commemorative Dinner – 23 April 2022


You are invited to attend a dinner to commemorate 200 years since Colonial Settlement began in the area of the former Rylstone Shire. Not only will that important ‘milestone’ be commemorated but key events that have helped shape the Rylstone District as we know it today will also be acknowledged.

Time & Date: Saturday April 23rd 2022 at 6:30pm (changed from April 2nd)

Place: Rylstone Memorial Hall, Louee Street

Tickets: $70 per head – refer details below

Drinks: complimentary drinks on arrival and then a ‘cash bar’ operating in the hall

Dress: Semi-formal

RSVP: 8th April 2022

Our records indicate that some of you may be descendants of early settlers, and as such we would welcome you bringing any photos, newspaper clippings, family histories that you would be willing to share.

For further information and/or to purchase tickets, either email ( with your name and contact number, or call into the Cottage Museum on any Sunday between 10:30am – 2:30pm.

Yours in Preserving the Past for the Future,
Peter Monaghan – President of RDHS inc.

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Open Weekend at ‘Macquarie’

includes an exhibition by “Mountains & Metal” of contemporary jewellery and silverware – in the Convict Barracks

Date: weekend of 6-7 April 2019

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm daily

Location: 3397 O’Connell Road, O’Connell (near Bathurst)

Phone: Bonny 0405 442 025 or Paul 0405 442 026


Evidence supports the assertion ‘Macquarie’, containing the original 1000 acre land grant to Lieutenant William Lawson by Governor Lachlan Macquarie as Lawson’s reward for his contribution in finding a way across the Blue Mountains, is the oldest farm and oldest continuing residence west of the Great Divide. In it’s 200 years of European history ‘Macquarie’ has only had two owners prior to the Hennessys, namely, the Lawson and McKibbin families. Accordingly, it remains remarkably unaltered.

The work of ‘Mountains & Metal’ will be on display for the weekend. This group of jewellers, silversmiths and artisans from the Blue Mountains and surroundings welcome you to view their work in this unique setting. All items are for sale – come and meet the artists.

Welcome to Country will commence at 10.00 am on both days.  Tables and chairs will be set out on the lawns and refreshments will be available. 

‘Macquarie’ is situated approximately 12 kilometres south east of Bathurst on the O’Connell Road and approximately 8 kilometres from the Great Western Highway. 


$10 – $25

(Adult $10 Child $5 (over 6yrs) Pensioner/Senior $7 Family $25 (2A & 2C) Entry fee includes booklet. Entry and refreshment proceeds will go to St Vincent de Paul Bathurst to distribute to drought affected farmers)


  • Carpark
  • Coach Parking
  • Family Friendly
‘Macquarie’, c. 1863 (Photo: National Trust)

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Rebellion on the Turon

Be part of the 1853 Turon Rebellion re-enactment and tremble through a weekend complete with cannons, floggings, shootings and duels, market stalls, exhibitions and more. At any time bushrangers may stick you up for your gold (coin).

For those interested in Bathurst’s gold history and that of the Turon River and Sofala then make sure you join with the residents of the Turon Gold Fields, N.S.W. Corp of Marines, and Lithgow Living History in a day of historical re-enactments and displays. It starts at 10am with the firing of the 1820s cannon. The Redcoats will be there with pistol and sword duels. Ride a Cobb & Co coach, see the penny farthings and then visit the 1850s surgeon’s tent. Kids, be sure you visit the archaeological dig. The re-enactment of the “Rebellion on the Turon” with the Turon Diggers uprising against the gold licensing fee and the march on the Police Barracks will be sprung after a fresh corn lunch at 1pm.

You can have a chat with one of several Marines marching around on the day. Don’t miss the firing of the loud cannonade with plenty of smoke, if you can take it at the right second on your camera. 


17 March 2019

10:00am – 3:00pm

Denison Street, Sofala NSW 2795

Phone: 6337 7587


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Snapshot of our Heritage

Some good news on the heritage front!

Mid Western Regional Council has received significant funding for a major project titled “Snapshot of our Heritage”. Peter Monaghan and Virginia Hollister are both volunteer members on Council’s Heritage Committee and this is news just to hand.

The grant will provide funding to:

(1) photographically document all 400+ heritage listed buildings in the council area.
(2) create ‘statements of significance’ for the same 400+ buildings
(3) provide an opportunity for owners and interested members of the public to:
a. share any photographs, further information, stories and history about these buildings and
b. suggest other buildings and sites that should be considered for listing in the future.
(4) create a website to hold and share the above information.

This is a great opportunity for our heritage to be better documented!!!

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“Blue Water Warriors” by Craig Harris

Craig Harris, author of Blue Water Warriors, has just completed an historical memoir that mentions Robert Fitzgerald “Fitz” EVANS, who was at one time the owner of Dabee, near Rylstone NSW. During the late 1940s, Fitz’s famous yacht, Mistral II, participated in many Sydney to Hobart races.

The book, Blue Water Warriors, tells the story of the early Sydney to Hobart yacht races drawing on log books and memories of the navigator on a legendary competing yacht, a living part of Australia’s maritime history.
Mistral II’s crew encountered dangers and hazards not generally faced by today’s competitors, without life rafts, radios and no propeller — it had been deliberately removed. At one point, Mistral II came terrifying close to being smashed against the tremendous cliffs of Tasman Island.

There are many contemporary photos, invitations, souvenir programs, and letters, including an introduction letter from Captain John Illingworth RAN one of the founders of the race.

Further information can be found at Craig Harris’ website at


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Album Tells a Family Story (Kandos History)

Sometimes an object strays into our hands and jolts us back to the past.

‘Here. You should look after this now,’ my older sister said, a few years ago, and held out a book. I almost snatched it from her because I knew my hands were the right hands…

This article by Colleen O’SULLIVAN appeared in the Mudgee Guardian in April 2014.

The featured image shows the first page of Mary Ann BROWN’s album, which was given to her by her brother William Thomas BROWN, just before she married Arthur LLOYD.

To download and read this article click below:

Kandos History: Album tells a family story


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New Kandos History website

Local Kandos historian, Colleen O’Sullivan, has announced the launch of a new website to promote the town of Kandos and provide a forum for its history.

The website, Kandos History, can be found at


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Rylstone property clocks up 150 years of family ownership

The Keech family from the Rylstone property “Drayton” are celebrating 150 years of continuous family ownership. Situated in the locality of Camboon, around 10 kms north-west of town, fourth generation owner Greg Keech lives on the property with his mother Nita who is 95 years old and who, with her late husband Frank Keech, were the previous owners. The property was originally selected by William Keech in 1867. 

The Keech family from the Rylstone property “Drayton” celebrating 150 years.

The Keech family from the Rylstone property “Drayton” celebrating 150 years.

William bought the first 50 acres of his property from the government on the proviso that he could not purchase any more land until he had removed all the trees except for a few in one corner for shade. He eventually increased his holding to around 1400 acres.

The first home at “Drayton” with William and Martha Keech and family members.

The first home at “Drayton” with William and Martha Keech and family members.

Over the four generations there have been three homes built on the property. The first was demolished, the second was removed and located to the property “Camp Hill” nearby and the third was built around 1926.

Source: Mudgee Guardian, internet article,, accessed 19 January 2017.


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George Roy William McDONALD (1883–1951) – Kandos Cement Works

Originally by Heather Radi

This article was published in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 10, (MUP), 1986

George Roy William McDONALD (1883-1951), politician and businessman, was born on 29 January 1883 in Sydney, son of George McDONALD, Canadian-born contractor, and his wife Margaret Amy, née McNAMARA, from Brisbane. Known as Roy, he entered the public service in April 1898 and was deposition clerk, Broken Hill, before serving in Sydney and then as assistant clerk of petty sessions at Goulburn, Albury and Bathurst. In 1908 he resigned to become a land agent at Tamworth, and in 1911 moved his business to Sydney. In 1910, as Labor candidate, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly for Bingara, defeating the secretary for lands, S. W. MOORE. He proved to be highly critical of the Labor government’s land legislation: a move in 1914 to bar land agents from election to parliament seems to have been directed at him.

In 1915 McDONALD stated his support for conscription but, unwilling to give his reasons for not enlisting, had avoided participating in recruitment campaigns. He frequently condemned strikes where arbitration was available to workers. When he resigned his seat and Labor Party membership in 1916, R. J. STUART-ROBERTSON said he had never been a Labor man. McDONALD held Bingara as an Independent at the subsequent by-election and as a Nationalist in 1917. He was nominated to the Legislative Council in 1920.

McDONALD had repeatedly protested at attempts to dismiss from public office persons of German descent. In 1914 he had defended Dr August SCHEIDEL, naturalized since 1890, from critics seeking his internment; SCHEIDEL had reported slate and limestone deposits near Rylstone in which McDONALD acquired an interest. When Kandos Cement Co. Ltd was formed in 1919 to take over the cement works and colliery, McDONALD became a director and ceased to act as a land agent. He was also a director of Western Australian Portland Cement Co. Ltd and of the Southern Union General Insurance Co. of Australasia, and chairman of Carroll Musgrove Theatres Ltd and the New Caledonian Meat Co. Ltd. A founding vice-president of the National Roads and Motorists’ Association in 1924, he was a director of N.R.M.A. Insurance Ltd. He was later associated with several blue-metal quarrying enterprises, including the Brisbane Metal Quarries Ltd in which J. C. WATSON also invested. By 1928 Kandos Cement had extended its activities to New Zealand, but excess production led to its amalgamation with Australian Cement Ltd in 1929. As returns from cement and blue metals fell, he formed a company to buy the Imperial and Mount Victoria hotels.

Hon. George Roy William McDONALD

Granted nine months leave from the Legislative Council in 1923, McDONALD married May Camille DEZARNAULDS, from New Caledonia, on 4 September at Woollahra. As well as overseeing his business interests, he studied law and on 26 August 1927 was admitted to the Bar. His political views narrowed to protection of his own business interests and he opposed most of Labor’s reforms. In 1930 he resigned and stood unsuccessfully for Barwon; later he contested the Federal seats of Wentworth (1940) and Gwydir (1946). When a quota system for Australian feature films was introduced in 1935 he led the opposition from distributors. On 12 August 1937 he was admitted as a solicitor and established the firm, G. R. W. McDONALD & Co.

On 28 July 1951 McDONALD died of cerebro-vascular disease at his Bellevue Hill residence and was cremated with Anglican rites. His wife and son survived him and inherited his estate, valued for probate at £28,588.

Source: Heather Radi, ‘McDonald, George Roy William (1883–1951)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 1986, accessed online 3 January 2017.

Image source: ‘The Hon. George Roy William MCDONALD (1883 – 1951)’, Parliament of New South Wales,, accessed 3 January 2017.Facebooktwitterpinterestinstagram

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Owner calls for government support to restore a slice of history

INLAND Australia’s oldest two-storey convict barracks could tumble to the ground within two years unless the money is found to restore them.

The dilapidated two-storey barracks stand beside an 1820s homestead on historic Macquarie, between Bathurst and O’Connell.

The home and barracks were built by convict labour on 1000 acres of land granted by Governor Lachlan Macquarie to William Lawson for his role in crossing the Blue Mountains with Gregory Blaxland and William Charles Wentworth in 1813.

The barracks housed up to 28 convicts at a time until the 1850s and most remained in the district following emancipation as a condition of their release.

CONVICT HISTORY: Paul Hennessy with the 200-year-old two-storey convict barracks on Macquarie, the former home of Blue Mountains explorer William Lawson. Photo: CHRIS SEABROOK

CONVICT HISTORY: Paul Hennessy with the 200-year-old two-storey convict barracks on Macquarie, the former home of Blue Mountains explorer William Lawson. Photo: CHRIS SEABROOK

Many of today’s generational Bathurst families are direct descendants of those convicts.

Macquarie remained in the Lawson family until 1918 when it was sold to the McKibbin family.

Paul and Bonny Hennessy became just the third owners of the property in 2012 when they bought it with a commitment to restore it to its former glory.

Since then they have employed more than 250 tradespeople and labourers to work on the homestead as they slept in the shearers’ quarters out the back – without receiving a cent in government support.

“This property has great historical significance as the oldest farm this side of the Blue Mountains and it’s here due to the patronage of the father of Australia, Lachlan Macquarie, and the property carries his name.

“There remains a question over whether Macquarie ever came to the farm but I believe he did.

“We know he had been to The Grange [a short distance away] and there is an entry in his diary that says Lawson has a fine homestead and 200 acres of wheat, the best he had seen in any country in the world.”

Mr Hennessy said their situation highlighted the difficulty private owners faced “doing their bit” to retain and restore significant heritage items for the broader benefit of the community.

Even a conservation management plan for the site cost $50,000 and Mr Hennessy said he would appreciate financial support or fee relief from the tiers of government to help with the project.

With work on the homestead almost complete, Mr Hennessy’s focus is turning to restoring the barracks.

“The brickwork is the major problem and it is deteriorating rapidly,” he said.

“It’s possible the barracks have a life of less than two years before they are lost.

“In Bathurst we have wonderful sporting and cultural facilities but until recently our heritage assets have been overlooked.”

Mr Hennessy said he would like to see the barracks restored and converted to a convict museum to display many of the colonial artefacts they have found on the property, including farming tools, shoes and household items, along with a roll of names of the convicts who stayed there.

He said he would happily welcome school groups keen to learn more about colonial Australia.

“We [Mr and Mrs Hennessy] see ourselves as custodians of this property for future generations and we are fortunate to be in a position at our stage in life to put money into restoring what we can,” he said.

“But heritage buildings have just as much legitimacy as sporting and arts facilities when it comes to government support, and some would say more.

“As years go by there will be even more focus on the stories of convicts and this could become a major attraction for the region.”

(Source: Western Advocate,, accessed 13 November 2016)Facebooktwitterpinterestinstagram

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Former Rylstone resident tells tales of yesteryear in new book

Rylstone District Historical Society’s Cottage Museum has available copies of a book written by a former Rylstone resident Jack Turner and his daughter Jacqui Halpin. The book, called ‘A Long Way From Misery’ was inspired by Jack’s father’s stories which always began with “Down on Misery…” Misery was the farm his father grew up on.

Hot off the press, ‘A Long Way From Misery’ is available at the Cottage Museum, Rylstone.

Hot off the press, ‘A Long Way From Misery’ is available at the Cottage Museum, Rylstone.

The co-author Jack Turner was born in Rylstone in 1926, the eldest of 10 children. In his own words – “I never had an education – at least not one from a classroom. I got me education in the bush…”

His daughter Jacqui is a children’s author whose stories have won prizes. Her fathers’ knack for telling stories inspired her own love of storytelling.

A Long Way From Misery takes you on a rollicking journey through the Australia of yesteryear. It’s a great read and is available for just $20 at the Cottage Museum. It’s full of local history and memories, lots of photos. The Cottage Museum is open every Sunday from 10am to 3pm.

(Source: Mudgee Guardian, accessed 25 October 2016,

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Spring is in the air: historic houses Open Day in Hill End

The popular Hill End Open Day enables visitors to access a number of unique gold rush buildings not normally open to the public. The combination of buildings available to view give a fascinating glimpse into the past life of a bustling, frenzied mining town.

In the boom year of 1872, Hill End claimed the second biggest population in the state, yet today it is but a sleepy remnant of its illustrious past.

Register at the Royal Hall where pioneering ancestors will gaze upon you, before heading out to visit St Paul’s Church, miners’ cottages (some now residencies and studios for visiting artists including the home of renowned artist Donald Friend), the Court House, School and La Paloma pottery. There is almost too much to see properly in one day, so come early!

Experience the ambiance of these incredible gold rush buildings set in the isolated landscape of the NSW Central Tablelands. Arrive by sealed roads from Mudgee or Bathurst and remember to always bring a jumper or jacket to Hill End as weather can cool down in mornings and afternoons.


Adult $25.00; Concession $18.00 –  Bookings essential.

For further details and bookings Phone: (02) 6337 8306 or Email:



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